Reiki Courses.

Usui Reiki Courses can be held online or face to face.  Face to face courses are held over a weekend in a peaceful, private setting in Droitwich Spa Worcestershire.  All courses are accredited by the ABT and are recognized nationally as professional qualifications.  Upon completion, you will receive a award certificate in the Usui Reiki.  Course dates will be shown in advance and subject to availability

Face to face courses are from 11am to 5pm.   During those hours you will be doing both practical and theory studies and receive attunements.  May I suggest you wear loose, comfortable clothing.  If you like bring a pair of socks, slippers/sliders and a cardigan/jumper.  Outdoor shoes will be removed at the front door.  

Come equipped with a note book and pen and don't forget a packed lunch. 

Water, Fruit Teas, Organic Tea, will be supplied courtesy of Inner Calmer World.


Reiki Courses At Inner Calmer World.

First Degree Reiki                                   £120.00.   Self Healing.

Second Degree Reiki                              £150.00.   Healing Others.

Second Degree Practioner                     £100.00.   Healing Others Practioner Level

Animal Reiki Practioner                          £200.00.   Healing Animals. 


A deposit of £50.00 is to be paid on all Reiki Courses.  Deducted from the total cost which is to be paid 3 days prior to the course start date.



I reserve the right to charge the full deposit for any Reiki courses cancelled with less than 24 hours notice.  Please read Terms  And Conditions.


Please call  or email me for more information on Reiki Courses.


Phone: 07889795142

Reiki Course Deposit.


Reiki Course Deposit.
